C12102813 - VpCI 705 BIO fuel 5 gal (19L)
VpCI 705 BIO fuel additive 5 gal (19L)
Product Details
VpCI-705 Bio is specially formulated for use as a multifunctional fuel additive to biodiesel and other bio-fuels. It serves as a corrosion inhibitor, fuel stabilizer, and water emulsifier for biodiesel, diesel, and gasoline. VpCI-705 Bio provides corrosion protection, lubricity and elastomer protection for biobased fuels. As a fuel stabilizer, this product provides better engine performance. VpCI-705 Bio provides excellent corrosion protection for all of the common engineering metals used in automotive fuel systems including aluminum, aluminum die cast and zinc die cast alloys, tinplate, copper, ferrous alloys, cast iron and solder. VpCI705 Bio gives unique multimetal corrosion protection in all phases: liquid, interface and vapor phases above and below the fuel level.